50 most useful American English phrasal verbs
1. close down
사업, 조직, 시설등이 문닫다, 문을 닫게 하다.
사용법) 사람(회사) close down (시설, 사업 * 앞에 언급이 되었거나 명백할 경우에는 생략 가능)
i.g) During the pandemic, there're many restaurants in my town they had to close down because they didn't have many customers.
2. wear down
지치다, 누군가를 지치게 하다.
사용법) 사람 wear down
사람, 원인 wear 사람 down
i.g) Studying wore me down.
3. track down
(노력을 들여) 사람, 사물의 위치를 알아내다.
사용법) 사람 track down 사람, 사물
i.g) I'm trying to track down my car keys.
4. tear down (= bring it down to the ground)
구조물, 건물을 해체하다, 부수다
사용법) (주로 수동태형으로) 건물 is torn down.
i.g) In the United States it's pretty common for old homes to be torn down so that owners can build a nice brand new home.
5. run down
사람을 쫓아가다. (사람을 추적하거나, 잊은 물건을 주기위해 달려가다.)
사용법) 사람 run 사람 down
i.g) One time I forgot my phone at a restaurant and the waiter ran me down in the parking lot and said "hey you forgot your phone" and it was so nice because I would have been really devastated if I lost my phone at that restaurant.
6. narrow down
선택옵션을 좁히다.
사용법) 사람 narrow down 옵션
i.g.) They narrow down the candidates.
7. let down
사용법) 사람 let 사람 down
i.g.) You really let me down that you didn't come to my birthday party.
let down your guard (let your guard down) : 경계심을 풀다. 긴장을 풀다.
let down our hair : 머리를 풀다. 긴장을 풀다.
8. keep down
사용법) 사람 keep down 감정, 소음, 지출
i.g.) Hey keep down your voice please.
9. crack down on
단속하다. 잘못된 행동을 줄이다.
사용법) 사람, 조직 crack down on 사람 , on 범법행위.
i.g.) In the United States, the goverment has really cracked down on people who try to evade or not pay their taxes.
10. cut down
줄이다. 잘라서 쓰러트리다. 잘게 썰다.
사용법) 사람 cut down 식물, 채소
사람 cut down on 대상
사람 cut down on 행동동명사
i.g.) Many people try to cut down on using their phone on screen time.
11. clog up
통행, 파이프등을 막다.
사용법) 막힘의 대상 get clogged up (with 막힘의 원인 물질)
i.g.) If you don't have a garbage disposal and you just put large chunks of food down your think, the drain or the pipe wil get clogged up and that lead to a big diaster.
12. tape up
테잎으로 밀봉하다.
사용법) 사람 tape 대상 up
i.g.) When I mail people packages I take it up extra so that the package does not get opened while it's being delivered.
13. lace up
주로 신발 옷등에 달려 있는 끈을 꽉 동여 매다.
사용법) 사람 lace up shoes
i.g.) We want to lace up our shoes for a run.
14. hike up
급격하게 가격, 숫자, 비율을 올리다.
사용법) 급등의 대상 is(are) hiked up.
i.g.) The price of meat has really been hiked up in the last year.
15. set up
설정, 구성하다.
사용법) 사람 set up 대상
i.g.) Recently I had a party and my friends asked me if they needed to come early to help me set up the party.
16. clear up
좁은 대상을 치우다. (큰 대상은 clean up)
생각, 혼돈(confusion), 대상을 정리하다.
사용법) 사람 clear up 대상
대상 is(was) cleared up for 사
i.g.) I'm going to clear up my desk so that I can get to work.
Some of them are not cleared up for you, make sure you use the link so you can download the PDF.
17. wrap up
끝내다, 덮다
사용법) 사람 wrap up 대상
사람 wrap up 대상 with cloth or paper
i.g.) let's wrap up the meeting by just summarizing what we talked about and then we'll talk to you later.
18. work up
식욕, 에너지, 열정등을 생산하다
사용법) 관용적으로 아래와 같이
We're going to work up appetite(enthusiasm, sweat(=피곤하고 덥다), the energy)
19. turn up
갑자기 나타나다. 볼륨, 레벨등을 올리다.
사용법) 물건 turn up 장소 혹은 시간의 경우
i.g.) I lost my car keys in my house and it turns up in the refrigerator.
20. run up
비용, 빚등을 늘리다. 언덕 계단등을 뛰어 오르다.
사용법) 사람 run up 비용, 청구, 빚.
i.g.) If you go to a restaurant and you order a ton of food and drinks, you ran up a really high bill at the restaurant.
21. hand over
주저하거나 압력에 의해 건네다. 권한, 통제를 넘기다.
사용법) 사람 hand over 대상
i.g.) hand over all money.
I'm going to hand over the conversation to you.
22. knock over
의식 무의식으로 쓰러트리다.
사용법) 사람 knock over 사물
i.g.) I immediately knocked over a drink I was so embarrased.
23. look over
가볍게 조사 검사하다 리뷰하다
사용법) 사람 look over 대상
i.g.) Everybody look over your notes and then we will take the test.
24. run over
들이받고 넘어가다. (look over) 빠르게 연습, 흝어보다.
사용법) 사람 run over 대상 with 도구
i.g.) You could run over an animal with your car which would be very sad.
25. stop over
계획없이 짧게 들르다.
사용법) 사람 stop over 장소
i.g.) stop over at my house
26. turn over
뒤집다. 컨트롤, 책임, 소유권을 타인에게 주다.
사용법) 명사(turnover)
i.g.) If people quit and leave and then they hire new people very frequently, we often say there is a lot of turnover in that restaurant.
When you buy a hourse or move into a new house and now is going to be your house the landlord or the previous these owners will turn over the keys to you.
27. sleep over
손님으로서 타인집에 하룻밤 지내다.
사용법) 사람 sleep over for 기간 or 사람 have a sleepover with 사람
i.g.) We're going to have a sleepover with our friends.
They can sleep over for a night.
28. take over
~로부터 ~의 책임 컨트롤등을 얻다.
사용법) 사람 take over 대상 or Be a takeover of 대상
i.g.) There's a new president, they take over the White House in the United States.
They take over all of the power too.
29. make over
이전보다 사람, 사물의 모습을 좋게하다.
사용법) a makeover
i.g.) If you give a person a makeover typically you just give them new clothes, a nice haircut.
30. go over
사용법) go over 대상
i.g) If you want to ask your teacher to reivew some sort of concept with you that they taught, you could raise your hand say "hey could you go over what you just taought us."
31. come under
32. fall under
카테고리의 대상이 되다.
사용법) 대상 come(fall) under 카테고리
관용구) 대상 come(fall) under scrutiny
대상이 논란거리가 되다.
i.g.) Whenever the president passes a new law or approves a new law, they come(fall) under scrutiny because some people don't like what they do.
Some people think that cucumbers are a vegetable but they actually fall under fruits because they have seeds in them.
33. put under
(수동태로) 어떤 상태하에 있다. 약물에 영향을 받다.
사용법) 사람 be put under 상태
i.g.) Two years ago I broke my arm and I had to be put under general anesthesia.(마취)
34. go under
(water 를 생략하고 사용) 물안에 들어가다. 실패하다.
사용법) 사람, 사업 go under.
i.g.) In 2008, in the United States many of the banks went under.
35. pass through
간단히 장소를 지나가다.
사용법) 사람 pass through 장소
i.g.) You'll pass through many small towns that have small restaurants and shops.
36. break through
장벽이나 장애물을 넘다.
사용법) 사람 break through 대상. (명사) 돌파구
i.g.) We break through the ice.
We break through the crowd in order to get inside.
Penicillin was a huge breakthrough in medicine.
37. fall through
예정되어 있던 일이 어떤 이유에서인지 실패하다.
사용법) 약속, 플랜, 계 fall through
i.g.) I had plans but they fell through.
38. get through
노력으로 끝마치다.
사용법) 사람 get through 대상
i.g.) For many people in the United States they have to get through college by working very hard.
39. go through with
약간의 의심의 여지가 있지만 행동으로 옮기다.
사용법) 사람 go through with 대
i.g.) Did you really quit your job today? I didn't think that you would go through with it.
40. pull through
위험하고 도전적인 상황에서 회복하거나 살아 남다.
하지않을 것이라 예측했던 행동을 하다.
사용법) 사람 pull through
i.g.) My friend's dog was hit by a car and they thought it was going to die but then it pulled through
41. tack on
사용법) 사람 tack on 비용, 태스크
i.g.) They tacked on an extra charge
I'm tacking on a few things to your to-do list
42. pile on
빠르게 추가하다
사용법) 사람 pile on 태스크, 불평
i.g.) My boss is piling on tons of work.
Why is everyone piling on their complaints to me?
43. try on
입어(신어) 보다
사용법) 사람 try on 옷 신발
44. decide on
옵션과 가능성등을 고려한 후 선택, 결정을 내리
사용법) decide on 결정대상 혹은 행동
i.g.) Some famillies will take a long time to decide on where they want to go for vacation.
45. cheat on
불륜을 저질르다. 시험등에 부정을 저지르다.
사용법) 사람 cheat on 배우자, 시험
46. lie on
침대가 아닌 곳에서 누워서 휴식을 취하다.
사용법) 사람 lie on 휴식장
47. come on
화면에 나오다.
사용법) show, movie come on the television screen, netflix
48. count on
의지 의존하다.
사용법) 사람 count on 사람 사물
i.g.) If you ever visit Florida, you can count on the weather being sunny.
49. go back on
합의, 약속의 이행을 깨다
사용법) 사람 go back on 대상
i.g.) Politicians go back on the promises that they make during elections.
50. have on
옷, 액세서리를 입고 있는
사용법) what do you have on? (= what are you wearing right now.)