youtube english
Listening (The tonight show)
2025. 2. 23. 11:00
Is your kids getting your accent or are they getting your husband's accent?
아이들이 당신의 억양을 따라하나요, 아니면 남편의 억양을 따라하나요?
Well, Hazel had my accent for a really long time and would say things like water, which I was really proud of.
음, 헤이즐은 오랫동안 내 억양을 가지고 있었고, "워터" 같은 단어를 나처럼 발음해서 정말 자랑스러웠어요.
And then the other day she goes, can I have some water?
그런데 어느 날 갑자기 그녀가 "물 좀 주세요"라고 말하는데, 발음이 "워러"였어요.
And I went, it's water. And she was like, no, it's water. I was like, no!
그래서 제가 "아니야, 워터야."라고 했더니, 그녀가 "아니에요, 워러예요."라고 하더라고요. 그래서 저는 "아니야!"라고 했죠!